It’s that time of year again – time to register to walk (or run) with the St. Andrew’s team in the Toronto Waterfront Marathon. The funds we raise will help St. Andrew’s Community Services, including the Better English Cafe, Sing TO Community Choir and Out of the Cold programs. This year, the 5km walk (which most of us will do) will take place on Saturday, October 19th, with the half marathon and marathon distances occurring on Sunday, October 20th. Space in the 5km walk is limited so please sign up early to walk with us on Saturday. For further information or assistance with registration, please click on the QR code below or reach out directly to Karen Sargeant at ksargeant@fasken.com or 647-203-8110. And when you register, don’t forget to join the St Andrew’s Community Services team! We look forward to seeing you there.